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 Connecting the DoTS for 24 hours

The GSG Day of the Swan💛🦢

DoTS 4.0 Over 25 Sessions -  Sensemakers, Futurists, Creatives, Thinkers, Makers, Doers, Judges, Fans and Critics.
Experts, Thought Makers, and Curious People

We Make Better Sense of the World

Grey Swan Guild is a global leading edge thinktank and do-tank for professionals

dedicated to making better sense of the world.

We make better sense of the world

Grey Swan Guild is a "fifth place"

Grey Swan Guild occupies that unique and valuable space beyond your

  • Personal life (first place)

  • Company life (second place)

  • Local community (third place) 

  • Industry (fourth place)

The Guild is a global movement of over ten thousand thinkers, doers, leaders, builders and venturists from around the world into an aspirational, collaborative, curious and purposeful fifth place.

Grey Swan Guild - A Fifth Place

Grey Swans do four cool things... 

In an increasingly complex, polarized, and uncertain world, our members flock together each month to alleviate our members biggest professional pain points. 

Get Started:

Want to get involved with us? Take one of our seven Swan on-ramps. 

Our Guild Lenses on the World:

Every week, we explore a themed, deep analysis and commentary of the week that was.


 The Great, The Good, The Bad, The Ugly, The Tapestry & The Grey Zone of Uncertainty..

In the spirit of the post-modern version of a guild, we introduce a full series of honing your minds, skills & talents.


  Audaces et sapientes fortuna iuvat — “fortune favours the bold and wise”,

”if you don’t know where you are going, you might wind up some place else.”

This is our campaign to make a strong futures & foresight practice just as important, credible and habitual as any  other practice in our current lives.

In our sped-up environment of memes, torrents, what’s trending, pundit observations, and fraudulent opinion, we asked, who is actually equipping our minds to find truths, and improve our own cognitive confidence and knowledge synthesis of the world ? We answered — let’s do our part.

The Guild is a beehive of activity happening every week. Blink and you may miss it.


Let's climb behind the curtain and explore the member profiles, ventures, intelligence, experiences, training, content and inner workings of the Guild that says impossible is nothing.

Each of us holds the key to how we integrate (or not) the learnings from this pandemic, that give us an unlimited number of outcomes. We are each leaders, at home, at work, and in the new future.


Change. People. Teams. Brands. Business. Policies. Futures. Countries.  

The only way to fully use the power of creativity is to enter with a beginner’s mind to unlearn, and then learn into the emergent and unknown future.


Learning. Unlearning. Relearning. Education. Skills. Collaboration. Behavior, Tech.

How do we mediate the tension of the opposites, between how things were and how they’re becoming? What symbols, imagery, fantasies, and shadows arise from our unconscious, to guide us through this liminal space between two worlds?

Transitions. Ambiguities. Cultures. Thresholds. Context. Dissonance. Resilience. Safety.

Our lives are forever affected by major events and Grey Swans, but how and in what way? And is it permanent or not, remains to be explored.


Home. Work. Play. Shop. Eat. Rest. Travel. Social. Escape.

The global pandemic has shifted the limelight to what may be  truly most important - family, local society, global society, the earth, humanity - in other words, love.


Relationships. Values. Passions. Respect. Empathy. Purpose. Humanities. Faith. 

Every week, we explore a themed, deep analysis and commentary of the week that was.


 The Great, The Good, The Bad, The Ugly, The Tapestry & The Grey Zone of Uncertainty..

In the spirit of the post-modern version of a guild, we introduce a full series of honing your minds, skills & talents.


  Audaces et sapientes fortuna iuvat — “fortune favours the bold and wise”,

”if you don’t know where you are going, you might wind up some place else.”

This is our campaign to make a strong futures & foresight practice just as important, credible and habitual as any  other practice in our current lives.

In our sped-up environment of memes, torrents, what’s trending, pundit observations, and fraudulent opinion, we asked, who is actually equipping our minds to find truths, and improve our own cognitive confidence and knowledge synthesis of the world ?


We answered — let’s do our part.

The Guild is a beehive of activity happening every week. Blink and you may miss it.


Let's climb behind the curtain and explore the member profiles, ventures, intelligence, experiences, training, content and inner workings of the Guild that says impossible is nothing.

Grey Swan Guild - The News Wrap

Craft-Building Series - Curations


Futures & Foresights Perspectives

live anchor


love anchor
lead anchor



learn anchor
Liminal anchor


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